When I did my student teaching, the speech therapist I worked with was pretty great. Her name was Jacqueline. She made sure to pronounce it "Ja-kwa-lynn" with the rounded 'w' in the middle.
Anyway. She was a smart lady and I learned so much from her. She made these charts and gave me permission to share, so today I shall do just that! I like them because they are simple and straightforward, which is what I think these kids with language disorders really need.
I usually start teaching by introducing the concept of categories. I give them this sheet and we discuss how each category acts as a file of sorts in our brain. Then most any noun in English can be filed away into a specific file folder. Imagine how many fun games you can do while teaching this! The possibilities are quite endless. I know you guys reading this have a million awesome tricks up your sleeves!
First we practice identifying categories. I will read a list of 3 or more words and ask the student to tell me the category. They often need extra help with 'appliances' and 'occupations' and 'vehicles/transportation'. The app I use for that is "Name that Category" which is from Super Duper for $1.99
Then we practice listing things in categories. For this I usually use "Let's name things" which is always free from Super Duper. We also go the other direction and I read them a list of 3 or more objects and they tell me which category it goes to.
I also found this sorting game. I don't even know who Erin Jackson is but I'll still give her a shout-out. "Thanks Erin!"
What are your favorite ways to teach this? Next time I'm going to post a bunch of other available materials and apps to use while teaching sorting and categorizing.