Wednesday, February 13, 2013

ASHA Leader Blurb

Imagine my surprise when I discovered that I was mentioned in this month's issue of the ASHA Leader! I've always wanted to be published - now maybe I can cross that off my bucket list. I guess the writers over at ASHA liked my post about the Story Champion Chart.  Thanks to Katie at Playing with Words 365 for hosting me on her popular and exceptional blog and allowing me to get a little recognition.

In my original post, I write all about how I make the chart, but I wasn't able to post the PDFs for it.  So I will go ahead and do that now - all the images were obtained from Microsoft Word and I'm pretty sure they are all on their website so I shouldn't be breaking any copyright laws.....Just click on the words and it will take you to a google doc where you can save or print!

1) Large Symbols (for teaching)
2) Small Symbols (print two - one for each flap on the book)
3) Trophy Image 

Check back soon for more ideas on how to teach narratives!

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